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WoonWerkPand Tetterode
Steunfonds Oekraïense makers
Mondriaan Fund
Ministerie van buitenlandse zaken
West Wednesdays
m4gastcollege at West Wednesdays #3 LANGUAGE
PolakVan Bekkum at M4gastcollege #03 1/5
08.03.2017 – 08.03.2017

Fascinated by mobility in the landscape the artist couple PolakVanBekkum is working on a new lexicon: a lexicon in which words are listed that express how a city arises from movement or obstruction of movement. These can be existing words like 'inaccessible' or 'public' as well as new words like ‘retired architecture” or “move act".

In ten minutes, the artists will portray their work and the position of this lexicon and then the doors will be opened for creative additions of this list by the audience.


Start: 8PM (sharp!)

Location: M4gastatelier | Tetterode, Bilderdijkstraat 165-B

Free access, no reservation needed

Lectures are in Dutch

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