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WoonWerkPand Tetterode
Steunfonds Oekraïense makers
Mondriaan Fund
Ministerie van buitenlandse zaken
West Wednesdays
Kulter Are / Julie Dassaud, Robert Wittendorp, Roel Griffioen, Alejandro Ramirez, Rana Ghavami
Sotu FestivalKulter Are_MovingFurnitures RecordsRobert Wittendorp_installationRoel Griffioen & Alejandro Ramirez_Front Line 1/4
01.02.2015 – 31.05.2015

The collective of Kulter Are is a nomadic gallery that stimulates crossovers between art, performance, music and words. (‘Kulter’ is Flemish for ‘plug’.)
A number of artists are invited to participate in an exhibition on a theme, and to produce pieces that relate to the location and to the other works. The result is intended to be interesting for both the public and the group of makers. Kulter Are creates a homely ambiance in which the artists and the public can talk freely about the work [process], sharing a meal and enjoying the qualitatively relevant performances.  kulter.nl 

In m4gastatelier the artists of Kulter are:
Julie Dassaud, Hostess, julisso.org  Robert Wittendorp, Action not object, actual not represent nor document, sommige.nl  Alejandro Ramirez, Filmmaker, aramirezlab.net  Roel Griffioen, Journalist, soireeovervlakkee.hotglue.me

Pre SOTU Festival
Kulter has presented the pre SOTU festival VIBRANT ISLAND in m4gastatelier|Tetterode’; 6 installations and performances curated by Xmas95 collective [Masha Ru and Olga Ganzha] with Magic Tools [Ksenija Pankratova], Alu from Alu&Diaan collective, Vladimir Grafov, Naïvi and Studio Kinematix [Lucia Macari, D.Riba].  
SOTU (Sounds of the Underground): sotufestival.com/2015 

Kulter Are has invited international guests: Unii, singer-songwriter-composer from Japan uniiunii.comWOMEN ARE MADE FROM WATER, an improvisation by percussionist Beibei Wang beibeimusic.co& dancer Electra Kouloumpi electrakikk.com / Myth Massacre Monument, a performance by Julisso & ZT Tosha zttosha.com [photography Nikos Kyriakidis aresne.org

The Front Line
Kulter Are artists–writers Alejandro Ramirez, Roel Griffioen and Rana Ghavhami have initiated The Front Line, a project that explores current intersections of art and politics via small-scale talks, dinners, publications and curated encounters with artists, activists and researchers.

Lines of Flight was a performative debate, aimed at illuminating the traces between ideas and places, places and ideologies. [Guests: Johan Hartle, Alexandros Kypriotakis, Herbert Ploegman, Maria Suarez, Markha Valenta.]

There's Something Strange in Your Neighbourhood was targeted at gentrification. [Guests: Expodium, Wouter van Gent, Paul Mepschen, Claudia Zeller, A10_, Bond Precaire Woonvormen.]

Work + work workshop was an invitation to share ideas with regard to the representation of labour. [Guests: Łukasz Koterba, Kim Kannler, Werker Magazine.]

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