From April 23rd until June 16th students of the Fine Arts department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, who are in their last year of education, will take up residence at m4gastatelier in the framework of the course ‘Curatorial Practice’. During one week small groups build up an exhibition, which is critically viewed and discussed with their fellow students and mentors. Due to its experimental status, it is only accessible to a small selected audience afterwards.
Curatorial Practice is a method of collaboration and communication. A togetherness of 3 or 4 voices and approaches, creating one. Key words are presentation, the mental architecture in between works, curatorial thinking and conceptual surplus. If we see sharing thoughts, ideas and imagery to a small community as crucial, this can be an important part of our artistic survival.
It is intended to have as many different approaches and voices in one team, mixed from two classes, resulting in one agreement on strategy, platform and display.
Any space where art is presented has its own signature. In an ideal situation, it should act as a 'refuge mountain cabin' - a habitat for the artist, the art, and the public alike. A space speaks to us. ‘It’s a place full of known and unknown unknowns,’ as Thoreau puts it.
Mentor: Jean Bernard Koeman