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WoonWerkPand Tetterode
Steunfonds Oekraïense makers
Mondriaan Fund
Ministerie van buitenlandse zaken
West Wednesdays
fanfare fanfare
Drawing by Louise Drulhe I Typeface "Pirelli" by Jung-Lee Type Foundry 1/1
01.06.2019 – 30.06.2019
Residency Collaborative Explorations

For the whole month of June, fanfare invites a set of weekly changing like minded people to come and stay. In doing so fanfare wants to consider current and future motivations and formats of collaborative bonds and potential residency formats. With the intention to explore, and question existing and potential conditions for working together, fanfare likes to invite you along for weekly Friday morning coffees during the month of June. 

BREAKFAST SESSIONS, every Friday in June at 9.30 at fanfare.

Tetterode building, Da Costakade 154, Amsterdam   

 7th June with Luca Carboni

14th June with Louise Drulhe & Raphaël Bastide

21th June with Loukie van Hasselt & Guus Kout

28th June with Olaf Boswijk & Mirla Klijn

Come if you're curious, have ideas, or just feel like saying hi :)

The residency of fanfare takes place in collaboration with m4gastatelier. During this first year of collaboration, we investigate and consider future formats of independent research periods for initiatives investigating the borders of visual communication. The residency is launched to support curiosity and urge for room for sharing thoughts, beliefs, and concerns.

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