m4gastcollege (2017-2019) was a series of 10 ten-minute lectures by artists about "systems and methods" and how these play a role in their work.
Science makes use of irrational elements such as imagination, intuition or the raid which ascribed the art, while the creation of works of art often includes systems that you would expect in science. In the latter aspect, we were interested.
#23 Sarah van Lamsweerde & Leroy de Böck
#18 Merijn Bolink UITBUNDIG
Artist speakers 2017
#01 Zoro Feigl Sound #02 Aukje Dekker Identity #03 Polak en Van Bekkum Language
#04 Theo Schepens Ecology #05 Oskar Peeters Fear #06 Klaar en Bart Life!
#07 Wasco Nude #08 Jan Dietvorst Migration #09 Caro Bensca Dream
#10 Mariëlle Videler Nature
Artist speakers 2018
#11 Jim Mooijekind Struggle #12 David Bernstein Higgledy-Piggledy
#13 Bart Lodewijks Mission #14 Zijlmans en Jongenelis Scratch
#15 Iekeliene Stange Narration #16 Eylem aladogan Enchanted
#17 Cindy Moorman Undercurrent #18 Merijn Bolink Exuberant
#19 Selby Gildemacher Game #20 Anne-Jan Reijn Crime
The 2019 program was curated by Saskia Monshouwer. Looking for the ins and outs of the creative process she focusses on collecting. How do things and ordinations trigger the creative process?
Information about the artist and the concept: monshouwereditions.nl
Artist speakers 2019
#21 Just Quist Elements #22 Robin Waart Shame #23 Sarah van Lamsweerde Touch
#24 Frans Lampe Focus #25 Eva Klee Skin #26 Helmut Dick Dedication
#27 Edit Kaldor Power #28 Roul Balai Scandal #29 Artemise Ploegaerts Rhythm
#30 Hans van den Ban Cliffhanger (curator m4gastatelier)