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WoonWerkPand Tetterode
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Mondriaan Fund
Ministerie van buitenlandse zaken
West Wednesdays
Call for applications. Open to artists, curators and art-organizations

m4gastatelier invites artists, curators and art-organizations to submit a plan for a three-month working period in our 120m2 roof-top project space in the center of Amsterdam. The studio provides housing for two to three people and offers excellent conditions for realizing collaborative and research-oriented projects.


Artists are expected to come with their own funding and living and travel costs are not covered by m4gastatelier. Rental costs are € 1075 per month, with energy included. In consultation with art-organizations a different rate might apply. Please contact us for more details. 

Period you can apply for:

Period 01.07.2025 - 30.09.2025 DEADLINE: MARCH 01, 2025


m4gastatelier is an artist in residence and a platform for production, presentation and contextualization of contemporary art. m4gastatelier focuses on interdisciplinary research-oriented projects and cooperates with national and international (art) institutions. Our keywords are: creators, artistic research, new formats, novel relationships, humanities and science, crossovers, 'bottom-up' and curiosity. Each working period has a public moment, this can e.g. be a studio presentation, a workshop or a lecture.


The studio of m4gastatelier is situated in the center of Amsterdam in a large lively and self-organised building complex called Tetterode. The 11.000 m2 building comprises artist studios, residents and cultural companies. m4gastatelier is on the 4th floor and provides a spectacular view of the city center. This part of the building houses the majority of the 35 artists' studios and art-organizations.

Practical Information

With 120m2, m4gastatelier has a studio, a livingroom/kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms with twin beds. The studio is fully furnished and equipped with basic tools, including WiFi. The physical layout of the studio, with its’ separate living and working areas, offers the opportunity to experiment with various forms of collaboration. There is furthermore a large elevator in the building.


Send a motivation (1 A4 max), a projectplan (1 A4 max) with an explanation of how the studio is used during the stay; a CV (1 A4 per person); visual documentation in a PDF with up to 10 images of recent work per person.


Monica Aerden | m4gastatelier@xs4all.nl | www.m4gastatelier.nl | 0031 (0)6 17 094 075






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