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WoonWerkPand Tetterode
Steunfonds Oekraïense makers
Mondriaan Fund
Ministerie van buitenlandse zaken
West Wednesdays
Weiner wall

01.01.2014 — 01.03.2016

In 1993 the American artist Lawrence Weiner realized a work of art in the lobby of the building complex Tetterode with the text: As if it had not / As if it had not. In 2000, however, this textual work was painted over. When asked if the work should be restored, Weiner’s answer was entirely in line with his conceptual work and thinking, “[I have] sympathy for Tetterode as a former foundry, but it suffices that the work has been there.”

In turn, both to keep Weiner’s textual work alive as well as to underline the temporary nature of each work of art as a powerful element in itself, the idea came up of WEINER WALL, a series of murals of which each would be visible for three months.m4gastatelier invited artists whose work relates to both this mission and the location: a hall with an art deco interior (by architect KPC de Bazel) which serves as a transit route into the building complex.

Between January 2014 and March 2016, WEINER WALL presented nine activities in all. In addition to the wall-painting-presentations, intermediate evenings with a multidisciplinary program were organized. Artists were invited to give a deepening to the WEINER WALL project, for example by starting a discussion or by giving a lecture, a performance or another form of presentation.

Weiner Wall   - movie -

WEINER WALL artists: Rob Birza, Jan van der Ploeg, Sonia Rijnhout, Sebastiaan Schlicher, Gracia Khouw, Hadassah Emmerich, Aafke Bennema, Erik Odijk and again Rob Birza.

The presentations of the WEINER WALL took place on West Wednesdays, every second Wednesday of the month. The murals were on view during the regular opening hours of Gallery Gerhard Hofland, Bilderdijkstraat 165-c; www.gerhardhofland.com

WEINER WALL was an initiative of m4gastatelier, Gaston ten Horn & Monica Aerden. The project was kindly supported by Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst (AFK), Stadsdeel West & Tetterode

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