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WoonWerkPand Tetterode
Steunfonds Oekraïense makers
Mondriaan Fund
Ministerie van buitenlandse zaken
West Wednesdays
West Wednesdays

2012 – 2019

West Wednesdays – every second Wednesday of the month -is a cultural event in Amsterdam oud-West. Since 2015, West Wednesdays organizes presentations at various spots and locations, individually and in collaboration, indoors and in the public space, for a broad audience, via all possible art disciplines, film, words, music, art and performances, through which we reinforce each other's identity and share each other's audience. Projectleader: Mieke Prinse.

The fist edition of West Wednesdays took place on November 14, 2012, and was initiated by several galleries in Amsterdam Oud West. M4gastatelier joint the initiative in December 2012. The latest monthly edition of West Wednesdays took place December 11th 2019. From 2020, West Wednesdays intends to organize one event per year.




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